Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Appointments with Wedding Professionals - Why Do They Make It So Inconvenient?

Do you think there is a conspiracy theory between wedding professionals in making appointments with you as inconvenient as possible?
Do you feel like it’s so labor intensive to get everything finished?  Are you finding that you and your fiancé are so frazzled and at each other’s throats because it doesn’t seem like the appointments can be made when the both of you can attend together so you want to blame the wedding professionals for making these appointments so problematic?  (Okay.  That was a long, run-on sentence)  Anyway, are you asking why the appointments can’t always be made on the weekend?
Well, let me try to explain why this may be the case.  Think about what day of the week your wedding occurs.   Most likely, it will be on a Saturday or Sunday, right?  When will your wedding professionals be working for you?  That’s right.  On a Saturday or Sunday.  This means your wedding professionals are most likely currently working at another wedding or event that is also being held on a Saturday or Sunday, and that is their first priority.  Therefore, that makes them unavailable for appointments on the weekends most of the time.  They are not purposely making it difficult for you.  In fact, several wedding professionals are willing to schedule evening appointments if the both of you can’t come during the weekday.  Keep in mind, they just want to give the same attention to their current clients as they will with you when it is your day.
We try our hardest to make appointments at the best times possible to be convenient for all parties involved.   However, that’s not always the case for the reasons I mentioned above. 
Stop for a minute and look at that drop dead, gorgeous ring on your finger, look at the love of your life and think about your commitment to one another.  Planning for that commitment is getting you one step further to your goal – getting married to the man of your dreams.  Yes, there will be bumps along the planning process road, but how you handle them will be what counts.
So stop frazzling about things that are not in your control.  It will get done.  You will get married. 
Dear Brides:  Does this sound like you?  Are you and your fiancé stressing out about the wedding planning?  Please share and comment.