It's a good thing we had the baby shower when we did because my granddaughter decided to arrive 18 days early!
My daughter called at 12:50am Tuesday morning with the news that her water had broken. Her doctor said wait about an hour and then come to the hospital. This gave me time to take a quick shower and get to the hospital.
After only a little over four hours of labor, my granddaughter was born at 5:58am on Tuesday, February 27. She weighed in at 6lbs 13oz and is 18.5" long. I was able to be in the delivery room with her helping to hold her legs, along with her husband and other grandmother, and encourage her to push when it was time. Wow! What a miracle birth is. It was so exciting to see my granddaughter born. It was amazing!
Now, the fun begins - spoiling her to death!
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