Monday, September 29, 2008

Using Carnations

Yes, those good ‘ole “grocery store standards” can really make a very stylish centerpiece. As a matter of fact, I designed a carnation centerpiece for Janet and Tom’s recent wedding, as pictured above. I put curly willow in the bottom of the vase to hold the carnations together. To add a simple, yet elegant touch to the square vase, I tied a ribbon around it and secured same with a sticker. I heard great comments about them and when the carnations are tightly bunched together, they can take on the look of more expensive flowers, such as peonies.

Notice how it is a low centerpiece so it doesn’t obstruct the view of guests across the table - a very important factor in keeping conversations flowing. Too many times I see centerpieces that are right at eye level and guests either are leaning to the right or left or worse yet, the centerpiece is moved to the side or even to the floor. Yes, that has happened.

Another benefit of having carnations is the cost. They generally average about $1 per stem. If you are on a tight budget, (and aren't we all these days) you may want to consider using carnations as they are very inexpensive compared to, roses.

Other benefits – they last longer – about three weeks if properly watered; they come in thousands of shades and they are available year-round.

So, what are you waiting for? Go get those carnations and let your imagination run wild!

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