Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Do you look like the couple in this picture as you are planning your wedding with your groom?

No doubt you have heard the term “bridezilla” and perhaps have even watched the reality show by the same name, but the up and coming “groomzilla” is now starting to rise to stardom.

I just listened to a news segment this morning about how grooms are now becoming more and more involved in the wedding planning. My husband was actually very involved with our wedding planning. He was not a "groomzilla" however. We were in our mid-30’s, no longer living at home with the parents, had our own careers, so we were paying for everything. We are both very administrative and we worked very well together in planning our wedding. But, not all grooms may be so easy-going about it. Some even go so far as having the final say on the bridesmaids dresses down to the choice of shoes or even want to help their bride choose her wedding gown.

As a wedding planner, I love it when the groom is involved in the wedding planning. Afterall, it is his wedding, too. I was such a believer in this that in my wedding, I asked (and he complied) my husband to walk down the aisle. I wanted him to have his shining moment just as much as me.

So, ladies. What about your grooms? Are they “groomzillas” or are they letting you do most of the planning?

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